Author: janakan
Roof Inspection Checklist for DIYers
Your roof takes care of you and protects you — return the favor with a yearly general roof inspection which will stop (or prevent) any kind of a water damage and head off expensive repairs. Inspecting your roof at least once a year ensures that…
What are the Advantages of a Skylight Roof?
A skylight roofing is essentially a more aesthetically advanced version of your regular roof… Besides the fact, that it is fully transparent, of course! No worries for those people, who’ve just imagined a whole roof made completely out of glass. It is not the case,…
Why Does a DIY Approach Towards Roofing Can Bring More Damage
A majority of men, who are also proud homeowners are oftentimes attracted to a thought, that if this is their own house than they are handy and skillful enough to fix (destroy) anything that is broken there (or not)… The Do-it-Yourself homeowner approach may work…
If Your House's Roof Approaches a 20th Birthday, Check This
It is a common knowledge (at least for the roofing professionals), that the lifetime of a regular tiled roof stands approximately at 15-20 years… That meaning, while a majority of any kinds of birthdays makes us glad, happy and eagerly waiting, the roof’s 20th…
Is Coating Your Roof a Good Idea?
When evaluating the idea of getting your home’s or business building’s roof coated, there are few vital things that you must take into account. Originally, the roof coating has been applied to either commercial or industrial buildings. It is done for the sake of making…
A New Drone Will Now Be Inspecting City's Roofs...
Luckily, we are now entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution Age. The age when even the rooftop inspections are getting much more technically advanced. At least, thanks to a recent decision made by the respective LA city council’s department, now the camera-mounted quadcopters and the drones…
If you find piles of colored grit from asphalt roof tiles in the gutters, that’s a bad sign — those sand-like granules cover the surface of roof shingles and shield them from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. My company is located in a small commercial office building, inhabited by just a handful of businesses. So […]
New Roofing Regulations by the State of California
You can get up close and personal with your roof using a ladder. However, there’s no need to get up on your roof just yet. The less you walk around up there, the better for your roofing — and the safer for you. Work your…